Islamic Seerah Stories: A month with the best of creation (peace be upon him) And various Islamic Stories. Kahoot Quiz on Day 30(prizes to be won!!!) Enter to Win Prizes
Islamic Seerah Stories: A month with the best of creation (peace be upon him) And various Islamic Stories. Kahoot Quiz on Day 30(prizes to be won!!!) Enter to Win Prizes
Islamic Seerah Stories: A month with the best of creation (peace be upon him) And various Islamic Stories. Kahoot Quiz on Day 30(prizes to be won!!!) Enter to Win Prizes
*SPECIAL EVENT FRIDAY AFTER TARAWIH - NOT TO BE MISSED!* _LESSONS FROM THE BATTLE OF BADR_ *SPECIAL GUEST:* SHAYKH SOHAIL HANIF, CEO OF NZF (see most recent talk here: https://youtu.be/z4WL7TGEVPs?feature=shared ) Food after the event.
Join our growing community of sisters to learn, grow and connect to Allah together. Topics will be based on requests from the community. Teachers: Ustadha Safiyya Dhorat & Ustadha Zainab Ahmed *Starting: Sat 16th March 2024* Time: *11:30am - 12;30pm* Where: *Main Hall, Masjid Nuh/Ashford and Staines Community Centre*, 774 London Road, Ashford, TW14 8FP […]
Islamic Seerah Stories: A month with the best of creation (peace be upon him) And various Islamic Stories. Kahoot Quiz on Day 30(prizes to be won!!!) Enter to Win Prizes
Experience a RAMADAN full of fun and faith-building activities for your child! WHAT TO EXPECT? *4-6 year olds with Mrs Naima Qadri & Mrs Amina Paracha* • Exciting stories • Circle time • Get creative with arts and crafts *7-10 year olds with Ustadha Tasneem Gelduld & Ustadha Lila* • Memorise Surahs • Study the […]
An invitation to our youth to come and grow in faith as well as brotherhood, with *Shaykh Muhammad Husain Kazi*. Weekly reminders, discussions and Q&A No need to register, please turn up.
MYSOC presents.. *YOUTH IFTAR* A chance to unite the community, this is an invitation for *both brothers and sisters* - join us *at ASCC this Sunday (4:45pm)* as we welcome our special guest, *Hamza Ahmed* If you would to attend, please *register* via the following link: https://ASCCIftar.eventbrite.co.uk
Islamic Seerah Stories: A month with the best of creation (peace be upon him) And various Islamic Stories. Kahoot Quiz on Day 30(prizes to be won!!!) Enter to Win Prizes
Islamic Seerah Stories: A month with the best of creation (peace be upon him) And various Islamic Stories. Kahoot Quiz on Day 30(prizes to be won!!!) Enter to Win Prizes
Due to a number of requests, we are happy to announce Qur’an classes for ladies to be taught by our dear *Ustadha Hafsah Vohra*. All sisters welcome. *Register at:* www.tinyurl.com/recite24ramadan
Islamic Seerah Stories: A month with the best of creation (peace be upon him) And various Islamic Stories. Kahoot Quiz on Day 30(prizes to be won!!!) Enter to Win Prizes